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Having sex with an ex-coworker I had a crush on!

I had seen this guy once before but thought nothing of it. I knew who he was cause he was the brother of a guy I worked with. Fast forward to a couple months later, he got hired and he first came just to sign some documents and stuff and as soon as I saw him I whispered in my coworker’s ear « I find him cute ». This coworker was my best friend there, I told her everything. (I will mention her again through this post).

He started to work and from the start I kinda had a crush on him so we started talking. We became friends really fast and we were always talking and laughing we really had a connection. From the start I was always analysing everything he did/said with my friend (coworker) to guess if we were flirting or not (Only her and another guy friend knew about my crush on him, I never said anything to anybody else) For months and months I was never sure if there was anything more cause we were only talking at work. Btw, it wasn’t anything serious like I wasn’t actually that invested, it was just really fun working with him cause we had a blast and I liked talking to my friend about him, it was just a funny thing even tho I was low key obsessed with him at work. For a while we worked together 4-5 days a week so we spent a lot of time together.

We were like magnets, I was always talking to him cause he was really attractive and we got along really well. He was always winking at me, looking at me with cute faces and little things here and there. One time he said something about his butt and he told me « ya touch it ». I did, of course but yeah all kinds of things and pretty often. One time there was 2 regular customers (ladies) that wanted to introduce their daughter to him but saw us talk and they said « oh we saw you flirting with her we won’t introduce you » and that kind of stuff happened more than once. I was indeed flirting, I never tried to hide my crush for him, I knew he probably knew and I didn’t care, I was just enjoying my time with him. He was also doing little attentions like bringing me water with a straw cause he knew I drank it this way etc etc. There was time where we were like alone in the bathroom or somewhere else and I actually thought about kissing him but I never did especially because we were working together, it was too risky.

He ended up quitting and I did too less 2 months later. We were really close at work but we never spoke again. The day he quit, my manager said oh come see me before you leave I wanna touch your muscles one more time and I said ya me too but never got to say goodbye cause I was busy or whatever. Fast forward to a few months later, I posted a selfie on Instagram and he followed me so he saw it and sent me a DM. We started texting and I said as a joke « I never got the chance to touch your muscles one more time » and he says « you can always touch them » and I said « well I never got to see you again » to which he replied « you can see me whenever you want » and I said « interesting » and at this point I was like we’re finally flirting etc but then he said  »my door is always open for an old friend » so I was like okay maybe not.

I went to his apartment a few days later and honestly I wasn’t expecting anything sexual or whatever I was hesitating and wondering if we were gonna flirt or if it was gonna be friendly like it’s always been cause he was actually my friend before anything else and we worked together for several months so catching up would also make sense. You might say I was dumb for thinking that but I am not the type of person to be overconfident and think  »oh yeah this guy wants me » if I’m not sure so I just went there with an open mind without expecting anything. Also, might seem weird but I never told myself like  »Oh one day I’ll have sex with him for sure » or stuff like that it was more like in the moment thoughts like « I’d kiss him right now » and stuff like that but I never made it a plan and never thought it would happen, not cause I didn’t think I was good enough, just cause it was a work fling and that’s it. I wasn’t thinking about him that much outside of work it was kind of a out of sigh out of mind thing like I was living my life normally outside of work.

I got there and he hugged me and within 5 mins, we were clearly flirting. After like 10-15 mins we were super close on the couch and there was clearly a tension, anyone else that would have been there would have been uncomfortable. We ended up kissing and it felt super weird cause I actually had been wanting that kiss for months and it was happening. Since I never knew what he thought of me, right after we first kissed I asked him  »so you thought I was cute too the whole time?!?!?! » and then he told me that he did and he wanted to you know what but that we were working together so he didn’t really want to make a move. If I would have done it he wouldn’t have refused it but he wasn’t gonna go out of his way. He also told me that when we were working together he had some sexual thoughts about me and all that and I told him that I was always wondering if it was flirt or not and he said  »Come on you know it was ». Sooo yeah, at least I got my answer and I wasn’t crazy or imagining stuff the whole time so there’s that even thought (if you were curious) the act in itself was actually not that great. Being obsessed with someone doesn’t mean it will be like you would imagine it to be.

I called my coworker friend the next day and I told her that in a way I was surprised of what happened blabla and she said I’M NOT??? cause she worked with us the whole time and looking back…yes there was obviously something between us from the start, whatever it was. So yeah I guess I was just not putting ideas or expectations in my head just cause we were at work and the line can be really thin between friendship and flirting. So yeah guys, I could have included more details but this post is already super long so I’ll stop here. Moral of the story is you never know what someone think and you should always trust your feeling, you know when something is happening so if you want something just be confident about it. Also, looking back I’m glad I let myself go and I didn’t care about my ego or him thinking I had a crush or whatever, I just enjoyed all that I could and I would do it again (in general). I was actually myself with him and I never tried to be anyone else or put more or less just cause I had a crush on him and it worked so ya I guess that’s my advice, just be you and don’t be afraid of what people around or him/her could think!

This story unfortunately ends really badly. We are not in good terms at all. This might actually be my worst story ever and I don’t know if I will ever share it since it’s kinda next level but…I might one day cause it’s a great life lesson in the end. Let’s just say it was a rough couple of days! I got over it a long time ago and no hard feelings on my end but ya, it’s pretty bad. (Just in case you were curious about how it ended). I still don’t regret any of it and I had a blast with that guy and although it didn’t end well I still keep some great memories.

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