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Should girls drive to go meet guys?

I’ve seen a lot of tiktoks about this subject lately, a lot of girls are posting about them driving (1-2-3-4h) to meet a guy and then they get ghosted or that type of stuff and I always see comments, duets, all of that saying girls should never drive to meet a guy, the guy should be the one doing it blablabla and it got me thinking cause I’ve done it before (we all remember that one time I drove 5h to get ghosted in less than 24h….Toronto weekend from hell! (He ghosted and stole from me)) BUT I’ve done it other times and I’m glad I did (even that time in Toronto).

I get why people are saying that the guy should make the effort and all that, I do, buuuuut it’s not just about that. There are other reasons that would make a girl willing to drive. For me personally, sometimes I get sick of always being in my city so if I get the occasion to go somewhere else (that is fun) I’ll be like YES please. I like to try new places and do something different. Also, sometimes it’s just more practical considering the work/housing situation of the person. If I’m renting a room with my landlord’s room right under me and he lives alone, I will obviously prefer that. All that to say, we shouldn’t judge the girls who drive cause you don’t know the reasons she went and why almost shame her for putting in her effort?

Also, why do we always put everything on guys? If (IF) the guy is nice, respectful, fair, appreciative, have manners etc what’s wrong in driving to meet him? At this point it’s 50/50. Why would girls be turned off by a guy that wouldn’t INSIST on driving but guys shouldn’t be turned off by a girl who wouldn’t drive? Might not be the exact same thing but it kinda is in a way. A guy isn’t less of a real man just because he lets the girl drive (if it’s more practical or whatever like I said, each situation is different). It doesn’t mean the guy is a looser or doesn’t have a car! If he showed that he deserved it I don’t see what’s wrong (if he is willing to pay his part and everything). Is it risky? yes but so is everything about Dating in 2020 so just have some trust, hope for the best and go for it! Guys have to risk it too, girls can ghost too! Worst case scenario, if you drive and get ghosted, so what? Yes it sucks but you only lost a day, not your life, it’s not that big of a deal and you never know what might happen along the way! No risks, no rewards.

Little story time, I actually drove to meet a guy for my Birthday. He lived 2.5h away and we were going to a hotel about 20 mins away from his house. After 2 months of lock down I was more than happy to go somewhere else and I also wanted to escape the city for a weekend. Even if he would have offered to come I would have preferred driving to him. We spent the weekend together, we had a great time, no arguments no nothing, great you know what and I didn’t regret at all! (Might tell more about this story one day) but ya, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a girl driving to meet a guy and it might end up being super positive and even if you have one bad experience it doesn`t mean you won’t have a good one next time.

Thank you for reading!

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