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Weirdest/dumbest lies guys told me! (Story times)


I matched with this guy on Bumble and we started texting and did that for like 2 days. He was basically working all week like 4h away from Ottawa and i was off on the Thursday night so he told me he would let me know if he is back. The day before, we were texting pretty much all day and then he stopped replying and I remember getting a weird feeling like if something was off. On the thursday he replied a few times but then at night I never heard from him so at like 10PM I told him it would have been nice of him to tell me he wasn’t available like at least let me know. He said oh ya sorry I am not back in Ottawa so (judge me) I went on the bumble app and I saw his location was in Ottawa. I sent him the screenshot and he dares telling me  »Oh yeah I deleted the app on my phone so it must be picking up my ipad’s location at home ». I obviously didn’t believe him but still I went online and verified if that could be possible even if I knew it wasn’t. I found proof it was impossible and sent the screenshot. You guys… HE KEPT ON LYING even when I told him it was whatever it was more funny than anything else at this point that it wasn’t the end of the world, he never admitted. We even spoke again on instagram afterwards and he still didn’t admit. That was over 6 months ago and we actually matched again on bumble last week (I was just curious to see) and he even extended our match (cause you only have 24h to start a conversation otherwise it gets deleted). I saw that and I laughed pretty hard, this guy is just so weird. Btw him lying wasn’t okay but at this point I’m used to it and I had lost interest in him already and that’s more his problem than mine so what do I care in the end?!


I had a date with this guy on the Saturday night it went amazing we talked the next day and he said we didn’t have a choice to see each other again that it was really fun and all that, it was all super positive he was showing me lots of interest. That was on the Sunday afternoon. We had talked about seeing each other on the next Thursday night. He was an electrician and his schedule was 6am-3pm always, he told me. Then on the Monday around lunch time he texted me that he probably couldn’t make it cause he had to work on a special job or whatever till around 7pm (and he was waking up early so it was gonna be too late). I replied something and then I never heard from him ever again. I gotta say this one left me confused considering how our date went and what he told me the day before. Also, I kid you not, we were talking and he said he hated dishonest people and especially people who couldn’t take responsibility for their actions, that was his biggest pet peeve. Yeah right…. Anyways, we will never know!


I went on a date with this guy, it was the end of the summer (2 years ago tho) and we had a really great time. At the end of the date (to my face) he told me we should do that again, that he was gonna text me, etc. We did text and we ended up planning a second date. We texted the morning of the date everything was normal then I went to work, replied back and 3 hours later (pretty much the time of our plans) telling me that he couldn’t make it cause he was starting school the next day and had to prepare for it. I mean.. he knew all along when he was starting school and what he had to do so that obviously made no sense. (Surprise) I also never heard back from him!

If you want a 4th one read this post it’s a pretty good one! I MET A GUY ON MARKETPLACE?! (Crazy dating storytime)

Moral of the story, why lie? In the end you just look even more like a fool, it breaks people trust more and more, it makes them waste their time and telling the truth is actually more simple. If people wouldn’t lie as much the world would be a better place. If what you’re about to do isn’t gonna do any good then simply don’t do it. And special note for the guys, girls know. They know you are lying, intuition never fails. (Yes I know girls lie too). There is obviously more and I will share 2 more stories to share who will need a whole post! (one is awful, one is hilarious) Thank you for reading!

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