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My first time having sex with a black guy?! Old funny dating stories I never told!

I had broken up with my ex and I was moving to a new place and I am no handy girl so I had to find someone to disassemble some furnitures so they could fit in the truck. I was working at a convenience store at the time and there was this guy that was living close that was always coming to get Redbull before work. I knew he worked in construction and I had been seeing him for a while and we were like not talking but like we saw each other often so I thought I could ask him cause I didn’t have many options. I did and he said yes. Obviously I told him I would pay him for the favor. Btw yes I thought he was kinda cute but like nothing crazy, my intentions weren’t to flirt or date him. He came, he did the job and then we were already talking and so even when he was done we just continued for like 2-3h just chilling talking on the couch and then he was about to leave and we kissed. The funny part is that he still took my money. He deserved it it’s just kinda funny to me that he still took it after we talked and kissed.

I matched with this guy and you guys – he had ONE pic. Honestly looking back I’m like Megan you’re crazy but I guess it made sense back then. I think I had checked his Facebook or something to make sure he was real but still, relying on one pic…. I would never do that today. We went to tim hortons (so romantic) and then back to his house and I think we were watching a show I liked at the time and at some point I remember him being super close to me and then we ended up kissing and for a while it was super awkward afterwards, the usual awkard first kiss moment. Then I ended up leaving and I wasn’t even in my car yet and he texted me  »oh you could have stayed and sleep over » (I guess he was shy to ask me face to face) so I went back and I remember we didn’t have sex but it was a good time! He was actually a good guy, I ended up seeing him a couple of times after that.

I had notice this guy a month before on Tinder and I even remember sending his profile to my friend. I don’t remember if we matched the first time. A month later, I saw him again and I’m not sure but I think I superliked him and this time he talked to me. Little backstory, that was 5 years ago and I never seen/kissed/slept with a black guy because where I was from there wasn’t any and where I lived at this moment not a lot either so this had just never been something I had done before so that made me notice him even more just because I guess it was different for me. I ended up going to his place that night and I remember we like talked for like 3-4 hours but like nothing flirty at all just like regular conversation we weren’t even sitting close (I still remember his room haha). So yeah, I guess we weren’t really clicking romantically (even if I was super into him physically) but he was a nice, decent, smart guy so that was still a good conversation and a good time.

I ended up leaving, nothing happened and I was on my way back home and he texted me on Tinder  »we could have had some fun » and I was like confused cause I wasn’t expecting it at all from how things went when I was at his place. I even asked like  »the type of fun I’m thinking?!? » cause I was honestly surprised that he would want to do that. I was also more naive back then and didn’t see things as clear as I do now. I was on a call with my friend and I told her and I remember thinking well…. I’ve never done it with a black guy so first I’m kinda down cause he’s hot but also because I’m curious to try so I thought let’s do it. I went back there and looking back this was so awkward at first cause it was not like that at all and I got there and we both knew what was gonna happen but it kinda came out from nowhere so yeah and I remember it was actually really good. I remembered this story cause my friend recently sent me an ad he was on and I also remember seeing his face on an another ad at school cause he was modelling here and there. So yeah it’s funny to think that back then I didn’t think I would ever live in a different city and regularly meet with black guys so ya needless to say things change!

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