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Meeting up with a guy 6 years younger than me?! (Storytime) + My experience with younger vs Older guys!

I was 24 at the time (I am now 26) and I was on Instagram and I saw a story of a guy I was following it was a picture of him and his friend. Right away I was like woah who is this guy?!?! (his friend). he was taggued so I clicked on his profile, liked a few pics and followed him. I was super into him there was just something about him. He followed me back and he had his snapchat in his bio so I added him. He recongnized me from Instagram and talked to me right away. We started talking and we were like snapping our faces ans guys I COULDN’T. He was just perfect.

His friend was 20 or 21 and I knew that so I kind of assumed that he was too but then I asked his age and he was….18. I had never gone younger than 21 (3 years younger than me at the time) so I was like okay no this isn’t possible but then we kept on talking and he offered to meet up. In a way I was like YES but….the age was completely blocking me (obviously). But then as the days went I was just so into him physically that I started considering seriously. I was still like uncomfortable with the idea buuut I also wanted to see him. I was actually super shy and stressed just cause I was scared to feel old and I also didn’t know what to expect from a guy 6 years younger than me, I was wondering how it would be like. I was also influenced by popular opinion cause obviously if I was gonna tell someone they were gonna call me crazy.

I decided to go anyways cause at the end of the day it wasn’t that big of a deal and I was pretty confident from the conversation that it was gonna be fine. I was also curious at this point cause I had never done it and I was also kind of excited to see him since I was legit obsessed with him. He came to my house and right when he parked I was like wow. 10/10. I was thinking maybe I’d be disappointed cause my expectations were high but I wasn’t. Then we took my car and went to a pizza place and ate there. He offered to pay but I paid my half. Long story short we had a great time we got along super well, we laughed and then we went to my favourite candy store and this is when he kind of put his arm around me and I remember we were close and looked at each other and I thought at this moment “are we gonna kiss here now?!”. But we didn’t.

We went back to my house, watched something while continuing to talk and then it ended up happening, we started kissing. Honestly if I wouldn’t have known I could have easily believed he was 21. There was no difference with any other guy I met up with. Obviously it wasn’t exactly like a guy of my age but it really wasn’t as bad as we could think. I knew it wouldn’t be serious but for what it was, it wasn’t an issue. He was even more honest than like 90% of the guys I met so I don’t really have bad thing to say about him. I saw him again like 2 times afterwards and to this day I still have him on my snapchat. I am not as obsessed tho, don’t worry time did his thing!

I included it in this post cause honestly I feel like I don’t have much to say about the subject. Younger vs older guys. I have met up with pretty much every age and honestly at the end of the day there isn’t much of a difference. Guys are guys and they pretty much all have the same type of behaviour.It’s always the same shit (when there is shit). I’ve been through bad situations (ghosting, lying, etc) with every age and even if I think about it I can’t tell you which age is the worst which might seem kinda weird cause you’d logically think there’s a noticeable difference but there isn’t. I can’t pick a side. There’s been good and bad with both. Maybe the difference is later. If anything maybe younger guys are a bit more fun and crazy (in a good way). I usually date guys around my age obviously but I’ve still met a few that were on the youngest side (most of them I didn’t know cause they lied) and it’s been pretty positive overall. Quick note tho, I wouldn’t meet up with ANY young guy, not at all. Most of the time I can tell from the start that it’s a no-go.

I might not find a boyfriend with a 21 y\o if I’m being realistic but it’s not as if I was getting more results with older guys so I kind of became unbothered at some point, I just do whatever I feel like doing according to the situation. Also, I rarely see older guys (26-27 and +) that are cute, I don’t know if it’s just be but I gotta say overall younger guys are cuter so that isn’t helping. Also, since we’re in the subject, I know you could think older guys are better at it since they have more experience but for me it hasn’t been true, young guys have been surprisingly good so this isn’t something I worry about and for anyone that doesn’t believe me, you’d be surprised! I hope this made sense, just do whatever feels right and live for you, not for other people’s opinions!

Thank you for reading!

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