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67 days No carb challenge final update!

Maybe you guys have noticed, I haven’t spoke about the 67 days no carb challenge in a while. This is why I am doing this post today to update you about the whole situation. I have a lot to say but I don’t want to make this too long so I’ll try to be brief! If you want to read more about my whole weight loss journey, I’ll link all my other posts down below!

I told you already I had a cheat around day 25. Then I didn’t cheat for 2 weeks and had another cheat. After that I was cheating about once a week. My cheats were REALLY bad. I was binge eating and I couldn’t control myself. But, as you know, I really wanted to complete the challenge so I kept on pushing myself and tried my best not to cheat. I wanted to get my final picture. The lowest weight I’ve hit is 139.4. Even then I couldn’t retain myself from cheating and that got pretty bad about 2 weeks ago. I was still at 141 because yes I was eating really bad but also going to the gym a lot so that helped. I hit the gym a lot in the past month, I really have improved! So yeah I was cheating every 3 days and it was really intense cheats. It wasn’t just a chocolate bar, it was way worst. One time I had 20 timbits, a Mcflurry, 150g of macaroons and a maple muffin. Last week I even cheated 2 whole days in a row. I just couldn’t do the challenge anymore and that for multiples reasons. I weighed myself last weekend and I was at 145.

I felt it, it showed and I just felt so fat. Not because weighing a 145 pounds is the end of the world but because this wasn’t what I wanted. I didn’t want to eat like this, gain weight and go in the wrong direction whatsoever. This was a wake up call for me. I decided it was time to drop the challenge (I was going to take my final picture on Saturday April 13) and try something new to get to my goals for my birthday (May 23) as planned. I met up with a coach to get a new workout plan and food plan. He also calculated my body fat % with some adipometer and I am at 26% which is pretty good to me. I am starting it tomorrow and doing it until my birthday. (I’ll see after this little vacation). Starting at 141 is soooo much more encouraging than starting at 168 as I did at first. Now I know I’ll see improvements in no time and I can’t wait!

I dropped the challenge last Sunday and I haven’t cheated since. I didn’t even want to. Just making a few changes to have a more sustainable and realistic diet has changed everything. I feel totally normal again and super motivated. Since I am waiting for my new food plan I just decided to eat healthy and just control my carbs since I was on a no carb challenge. (I am eating around 125g of carbs compared to around 50g). I didn’t even exactly count my calories. I have been doing that for 4 days and I already dropped the weight, I was at 141 this morning. I knew those weren’t real pounds but I’m still happy to be back at my normal weight. I am also super happy cause my body is reacting to carbs really well and that makes me confident about my new training and food plan.

I started the challenge around 150 so I still have a transformation and I still did it for a lot of days in the end and I could take my pic but I didn’t want to lie, it didn’t feel right so instead I just decided to be honest and to share the truth cause in the end I have nothing to hide. This could happen to everyone. I am still proud of myself for even doing it and also for regaining control of the situation at the right time. I lost 27.4 pounds and sometimes I still have to realize it. I am still shocked when I look in the mirror that this is me. I’ve been overweight a lot in the last 6-7 years, I am not used to have a  »normal shape » and it’s just amazing.

Would I recommend the challenge and why did I quit? If you are a kinda really overweight person who hasn’t been on any diet prior to it, I highly recommend it. It is effective, it really is. You can get amazing results! It also tests out your mental strength which is fun to challenge ourselves every once in a while! Also, the taller and bigger that you are, the more you’ll be able to eat more things such as peanut butter, almonds, olive oil, etc so that will make it a little less hard. Being a 5’4 tall girl was putting limits regarding the calories and everything. Also, I was personally on a 4 months diet before the challenge so after 6 months I just got tired. Also, if you are a good cook, that will help you a lot. I am not at all and I couldn’t stand any of the food anymore. If you’re at home a lot it is also going to be more simple cause you’ll be able to cook and eat whenever you want. I had to bring my lunch e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e and I was super tired of it too. This challenge isn’t practical. Those aren’t excuses, I take the fact that I didn’t a 100% succeed. These are just some of the reasons why I got tired of it. It’s also mental, you can’t control everything. My body spoke to me and I didn’t want to listen but in the end you have too cause it can get pretty bad. Needless to say, this is a process and the most important part is to keep on going!

So that is it! I’ll receive my new plans super soon and I’ll keep you updated on my results. Thank you for reading!

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