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« No carb » challenge update! Day 12 to 34! (Results, How I feel, struggles, vision and more)

So this second update is going to be about day 12 to 34! Why 34? Because that is going to mean that I’m halfway trough the challenge! I am going to do a few updates here and there sharing everything with you as in my « No carb » challenge update! Day 1 to 12! (Results, advantages/disadvantages, How I feel, adapting and more). I also quickly want to say that this is about my challenge but everything I say and my struggles and everything can be applied to a lot of different situations so you could also see it this way!

So it is now day 15 and I still feel amazing. I really have a routine and it has become easy in that way. I know what to eat and how to plan and make everything about my challenge work! You can read my 67 days  »no carb » challenge : What I eat in a day + grocery haul & tips! post if you want to know everything about my diet! The only different thing from the first few days/first week is the sugar cravings. Let me explain. I don’t really crave sugar in the way that I always think about it and get crazy over it, that’s not it at all. Its just that when I see sugary food on IG stories or stuff like that, it looks MAD good and I would like to have it, more than in the beginning. I am still in total control of myself but I can tell I crave it more. Obviously some days are harder than others and that is normal. But no drama here, still going strong! It has maybe gone up to a 3/10 in average. I am still super motivated.

I weighed myself yesterday, on day 15, and I was at 144. I attained my  »healthy weight » and my BMI has gone under 25 which I am suuuuper happy about! My goal weight would be 128-132 so I am getting closer and closer! It’s crazy to think I only have 10-15 pounds to loose compared to the beginning! I lost 24.4 pounds in total.

It is now day 17! It’s flowing by so quickly! I have officially completed a quarter of the challenge! Every day is a step closer to succeeding. I am now at 142.4 which is even beyond my expectations! I lost 26 pounds in total. I can say that I’m getting more and more comfortable with my body and I’m starting to think my clothes look good! It hasn’t really gotten harder yet, still a 2-3/10, everything is perfectly fine.

Day 20 and I’ve weighed myself again and I’m at 141.8 so -0.6 pounds compared to last time! I am getting super close to the second goal I had back when I started which is 140! Since the beginning I was saying that I wasn’t gonna be a 100% happy at 140 but that I would be pretty satisfied and now I’m only two pounds away! Still nothing has really changed, a couple sugar craving here and there when I see pictures and stuff but I would never have it, I’m still in total control and still determined to complete the 67 days. I’m still thinking about all the benefits and the pride I’m gonna get when I complete and that keeps me going. What’s 47 days in a life? You have to see things this way!

It’s now day 22 and yesterday was the worst day since the beginning. I would have eaten EVERYTHING and it was hard to fight the cravings and the thoughts but this is probably because I am way more at home recently, I don’t have my usual life train so that really doesn’t help. It’s now day 23 and I feel back to normal again! I was also super okay yesterday so one bad day doesn’t mean it’s over and it’s normal to have some struggles along the way, we’re just human. That goes to show that it is a mental challenge cause you really have to mind yourself and to cheer yourself up! You gotta find the motivation and the strength to keep going. I am also still at 141.8.

It is now day 26 and I have a lot to say! The last week has had ups and down (as you will see). I said a couple days ago that I had some cravings and that it was becoming harder and harder to fight them and yesterday it got pretty bad. Just seeing food was making me crazy and it was starting to overwhelm me, I was thinking about it a lot and I wasn’t cheating but I wasn’t sticking to it as perfectly as I did before. I knew it just wasn’t going well. I texted my coach and I took the time to think about what would be the best option and I decided to cheat. Yes, I did and I didn’t even feel guilty because I only listened to my body. I don’t want to get crazy over this and it’s better to have a cheat than loosing your mind over it. I ate macaroons and sure candies and it was SO GOOD. Obviously this will affect my results but I’m only human and I do my best. I can’t control everything, that would be too easy. But I am back on track today and I feel better! As of right now I would say that cheat has been positive! I told my coach that if it was too hard to stay on track after that I would just quit. I really really don’t want to but I don’t want to push myself too hard and affect my mental health either. Those things can be dangerous and I don’t want to loose control. So yeah, I’ll keep you updated but so far so good!

It is now day 29 and I am back on track. I can’t say it is going amazing but I am still determined to go trough the challenge. The last few days have been a 8/10 but I just can’t see myself quitting so I will hold on even if right now is a harder time. Today I feel pretty good. I am happy to cook my food and do this! My motivation is going up again. I would say it’s 4/10 (scale difficulty). I haven’t had results in a while (which is normal considering I cheated) and I think this isn’t helping but I will keep on going and be patient and that will pay off eventually! I still have 5 weeks to get results and I will.

My coach called me 2 days ago (we’re now day 30) and talking to him helped me sooo much. (Thank you again) It reminded me why I started and why I was going to get trough this. He also gave me some great tips and encouraged me. I am super motivated again! I’ve been a 100% back on track for 4 days now, I’m not really struggling anymore! It was just a rough patch. I am now determined to look as good as I can for the final picture! I have 37 days left and I’ll give my best until then! I’m happy to feel better cause I refuse to quit.

It is now day 31 and I just wanted to tell you real quick about an issue I’ve been having recently. I’ve started to have regular stomach each and it’s super uncomfortable. The food of the challenge is just so dry that I’m having trouble digesting normally since we can’t have any condiment or sauces and since we can only drink water and organic almond milk. It’s like if my stomach can’t process the food correctly anymore. It tastes okay but it is dry and I don’t know what is is but it just won’t digest as usual. I think most of the problem comes from eating red meat so I’ll just stop and see what it does. Yes I could drink more water but personally drinking too much water doesn’t make me feel that good so I kinda don’t know how to fix this. So yeah, I’ll keep you updated on that!

It is the final day of the update (day 34) and this week has gone amazing as I said in the previous update. I would say 3-4/10. I weight 141.2 which isn’t bad considering I’ve cheated but I want to do better! I’ve lost 27.2 pounds in total. I am extremely close to 140 pounds so that is motivating me a lot! 140 is a milestone to me. I also haven’t worked out in 2 weeks so that didn’t help but I’ll be back to the gym this week! Also, I’ve been eating more fruits and I’ve been less restrictive regarding my carbs intake. I follow the challenge a 100% but I don’t get crazy with the 50g of carb, I go a little over and that’s totally fine. I just don’t do  »Keto » which is a state you’re in when you eat around 50g of carbs or less and that makes you burn more fat. It isn’t really important to me, I just want to do something realistic for me so I eat 2-3 fruits a day instead of only one.

I’m sorry this update was a little negative but this is real, those are my feelings and I only told the truth. Weight loss isn’t always easy and you can’t control everything! I’ll do a third update pretty soon since I’ve had so many ups and downs recently! Also, this has kind of nothing to do with this post but I’ve decided to go vegetarian for a month after the challenge! I’m super curious to see what this can do and how I’ll feel and everything! I’ve been interested in this lifestyle recently and I really want to try it for myself so I’ll do it from mid-April to mid-May and I’ll see after that! I’ll be doing posts about that too! (surprising right?!) Thank you for reading, I hope all of this is interesting!

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