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How my weight loss has impacted my life (physically/mentally) + Before/after pictures!

Looking back, it’s crazy how loosing weight has impacted my life. I am not the same person anymore, I definitely am not in the same place. But, before I tell you more, I quickly want to do a little disclaimer: I know this might seem exaggerated to some people since I wasn’t super fat or obese and that’s « just loosing weight ». I know there are way more serious struggles than mine but this is my reality. It’s not just about looking better, it goes way beyond that. So yeah, here are the changes I’ve experienced.

First thing first, the obvious, clothing. I am super into fashion as you already know and I use to hate everything on me and I was also not wearing or buying a lot of pieces I loved just because I was too fat (in my opinion) to wear them so I was super limited. I also had major difficulties to find jeans that fit, I had like only one pair cause no pair would fit on the waist since my belly was the worst part of my body. Now I am now a size 5 and I couldn’t believe that they fit from everywhere when I bought my first pair. Not perfect yet, but still a major change since I needed a size 9 to fit my waist. So yeah, now I can wear way more pieces and I even start to feel confident and like how my clothes fit!

I knew I had to loose weight and I really wasn’t comfortable with my body but even knowing that I was still eating badly and I was feeling guilty and uncomfortable and just not good in that situation. It was like a vicious circle and it was the same bad routine every single day. Now that I’ve lost 26 pouds, I am out of this circle. I feel amazing and I feel like I have a purpose again, I feel way more balanced and my lifestyle is a hundred times better. I’ve gone from eating fast food everyday and being totally out of shape from eating healthy and working out 3x a week and seeing results of it! I have started to really like it and get into the whole health/fitness thing which has become a new interest of mine. It is sooo refreshing to have new goals and new interests! I can’t wait to be done with my challenge and start to cook new things!

Also, not only that but I also feel super proud and that revived a fire inside of me that I had lost months and months ago. I found a determination that I thought I had lost and proved to me that I could actually do it and of course not only that but anything that I want. That got me super motivated again and not only about my weight but about life in general. When you feel good, you are way more motivated and happy and determined than when you feel bad about yourself! I’ll tell you more about that in an upcoming post, lots of changes are coming my way!

I hadn’t really date since I started (let’s not talk about my dating life). I went on a date recently and for the first time in years (yes years) I wasn’t scared of the guy being disappointed by my shape or him thinking I was too fat and that felt sooo liberating and awesome at the same time to finally feel confident enough to not be negative and have fears related to that! It’s different and I really was happy when that hit me. It’s in the small things, a lot as changed and all of it reunited makes me feel the best I’ve felt in a while!

So here is the first picture I took. I had lost 5 pounds at the time so I was around 163 pounds. I looked back at it last week and I was shook. How did I let myself go that much? And the worst part is that I didn’t even realize it. Now it’s easy to compare but I can tell you that I wasn’t even seeing reality. I hesitated before I share it but even if I’m ashamed  it was me, I can’t hide it and this is all in the past so why not! The second one is at around 149 on the first day of my 67 day no carb challenge so about 15 pounds separates those pictures. The third one is at 144. I am now at about 142, I lost 7 pounds since I started the challenge! I’ll link below all the related posts. Maybe it’s hard to tell like this but I can tell you the difference is huge!

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So that is it, I hope this was interesting and that this could help someone out there! You could also learn more about all of this by reading my other related posts! Thank you for reading!

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