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67 days  »no carb » challenge : What I eat in a day + grocery haul & tips!

You guys responded positively to my IG poll asking you if you were interested in a What I eat in a day + Grocery haul post so here it is! Just so you know we’re pretty limited food wise so I don’t have a million different thing to share but I’m gonna share with you my routine and pretty much everything I eat for my 67 days « no carbs » challenge. If you want to know more, you can read my « No carb » challenge update! Day 1 to 12! (Results, advantages/disadvantages, How I feel, adapting and more). I’ll also link my other posts since the beginning of my weight loss journey!

The goal is to eat about 50g of carbs a day. This is called a paleo diet. If you aren’t used to counting, I highly suggest you to buy a food scale, it is extremely helpful and makes it easy to count. You can’t eat anything transformed so always check the nutritive value and the ingredient. It is pretty easy to see. There is always very little ingredient, nothing with the word modified and the carbs on meat and fish are usually at zero. If you can’t even read one ingredients, it’s transformed. From my experience, besides plain meat and fish, pretty much everything else is transformed so be careful. You can also look it up on google : Is ______ paleo? You must also know that wherever you go you have to bring your own lunch and that being in social situation as in going to the club and stuff like that won’t really be for you anymore. You also can’t drink alcohol.


I eat one avocado + 2 eggs if I’m at home

Avocados are definitively one of the best thing I eat in this challenge.

I put about 70g of frozen fruit (buy the ones that have the less carb) and about 500ml of organic unsweeten almond milk (30 calories one) and I mix it. It isn’t the most tasty smoothie ever but it’s pretty good and easy to take on the go!












I eat veggies + meat/fish for lunch and dinner so twice a day. Sometimes I eat shrimp instead of veggies. I buy pretty much all of my veggie frozen cause I think they taste better and you can preserve them longer. Also, I cook them directly in the pan without anything and it works amazing because of the water in them. I cook all my food directly in the pan without any oils but you are allowed to use olive oil and coconut oil if you want to. I cook once every 3 days so I make about 6-7 meals at a time. It really is less time consuming than cooking everyday. You can eat ton of green veggies, just control the ones that have more carbs likes carrots, sweet patatoes, etc. I never had it but you could also make yourself a salad with Olive oil as dressing. You also can’t have condiments or sauce so don’t be surprise to notice a little lack of taste compared to a regular diet. It’s also important to eat enough fat so you can fight hunger. If you’re having fish for lunch then have something higher in fat for dinner to compensate and to have a good balance. I personal am never really hungry, I eat till I’m satiated and I eat a snack between meals if necessary. I don’t struggle with hunger at all. Also, since it is a (really) low calorie diet and that it’s important to eat a certain amount of calories a day (around 1200), do not hesitate to have some stuff that are higher in calories such as avocados.

I am pretty picky with veggies but here are the ones I eat :

PC Bangkok-Style Vegetable Blend – Frozen

California style veggies – Frozen

Broccoli – Frozen



Green bean

You could also have Zucchini, cucumber, cauliflower and asparagus but these aren’t my favorites!

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I don’t really like to eat red meat so I rarely have it but I still included it cause you’re allowed to eat it. I always buy extra lean meat. You can’t have any ham, sausage, bacon and all of those transformed type of meat.


Blue menu chicken breast (Those are really good)

Ground chicken and ground turkey (Love the great value ones from Walmart or the blue menu)

Ground beef

Pepper steak



You are allowed to eat pretty much all sea food, just make sure to check to nutritive value.

Frozen fillet of sole (I buy the big 10$ bag from maxi)

Frozen Tilapia (Sea quest one)

Salmon (High liner or catch of the day)


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1 Apple or 1 peach

1 or 2 eggs

Carrots (or green veggies)

Avocado + eggs

Plain almond milk

I don’t eat them but you can also have natural unsweetened almond, peanut, cashew, etc

My favorite places to buy my groceries are Walmart and Maxi. I also just discovered a new place! It’s in Quebec but those kind of store must be everywhere. It’s called planète nutrition. This is a fitness food place where they sell protein whey and protein everything and also fit prepared meals but they also have big freezers and they sell meat and veggies and the prices are really really good! Better than at the grocery store so you really should check those out! I’m not gonna lie, doing this challenge is pretty expensive and I am learning how to save as it goes! My second month will definitely be cheaper than the first one (I am at day 16 but I already have food for the rest of the month). One tip is to buy big economic frozen packages. I would say go buy meat twice a month to the best place you found and buy it in big quantity and go the the grocery store once a week to buy Almond milk – eggs – avocado – apples – frozen veggies – shrimp – all the stuff you need more regularly. Always allow yourself a weekly budget for that and another budget for meat. I didn’t really do that and that ended up being really expensive!

So that is pretty much it! I only have been doing it for 2 weeks so obviously I don’t know everything and haven’t discovered everything yet but if I do I’ll do a part 2! I hope this one was helpful and gave you a good idea of what the challenge is! I would say go for it, it really isn’t as bad as we could think!

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