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« No carb » challenge update! Day 1 to 12! (Results, advantages/disadvantages, How I feel, adapting and more)

You guys seem interested in the new 67 days « no carbs » challenge reveal! I just started so I am going to do a couple update posts all troughout the 67 days. I would normally do one update post a month but since this challenge is hard, there can be a lot of changes in a short period of time and I think it’s going to be more accurate and that you’re really going to know what’s it’s like if I do more posts. I am going to write pretty frequently so that way I’m really gonna share everything and not forget about important things. Maybe this will help you decide if you want to do it cause you have until june 1st to complete so you still have time!

So I’m writing this in the beginning of day 3. I have only talked to one person that has done that kind of challenge except my coach and from what I learned, I knew it could be possible to feel weak in the beginning or to have headaches, feel hungry and those kind of things. As of right now I haven’t had any symptoms and I feel totally normal. I’m not gonna lie at first I got scared cause it is a big change so it’s normal to get freaked out for a sec. You have to say goodbye to pretty much everything you like, at least I had to. You are really (really) limited in your choices.

Also, I never ever cook, I almost always buy frozen food so it was always super simple. I had almost never bought meat besides chicken nugget or stuff like that. With this challenge you don’t have the choice to cook and to plan, especially if you’re gonna be out at school, at work or whatever, you have to plan all your meal and snacks since you can only eat that so it can be more time consuming than usual. This is an enormous change for me so if I can do it, you can do it.

So yeah, I’m obviously still adapting but as of right now it’s going great! It is obviously pretty basic food and it’s not as tasty as usual since you can’t put any mustard, ketchup or anything but my motivation is high enough to not care about those details! It really isn’t that bad. You can put spices so that really helps. Here’s the link if you want to have all the details about the challenge.

It is now end of day 5 and I weighed myself this morning just because I was curious to see and I’ve already lost about 2.5 pounds! In not even a week! I used to be between 148.6 and 149.2 and now I’m at 146.6! I was shook! This takes my motivation to the next level, I’m super excited to see my future results and what I can accomplish with this challenge! It still hasn’t gotten really hard, I would say maybe a 2/10 as of right now. I don’t have any cravings or stuff like that.

Obviously this challenge has lots of disadvantages but it also has a couple advantages. You don’t have to count calories or to use an app to count everything since you only need to count carbs and that it’s suuuper simple so that’s really cool! You don’t have to feel guilty because you ate an extra chew tenders or whatever. You’re never gonna starve since you can always eat something. There are still things you can eat even if you don’t have carbs left so you don’t have to keep calories for the night or whatever.  I’ve been on a regular diet and I can say this one feels less restrictive. Also, since you can’t eat 95% of the things you used to eat, your focus isn’t on food. Food isn’t really a pleasure anymore, it’s just to eat because your body needs it so you just eat normally and don’t think about a 100 things you love and could eat that day cause you can’t anyway so your mind isn’t busy thinking about all of that. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t that bad! It’s just different. Everything I eat is pretty good, only not that good!

I am already developing a routine and I’ve found some tips to get trough my day successfully in terms of getting the right amount of carb but also in terms of never being hungry. I will have a « How to succeed a no carb challenge » guide up really soon for those of you that are interested!

It is now day 7 and I’ve weighed myself again just to really give you guys precise results and I am at 145.2!! I lost another 1.4 pounds! That’s honestly crazy, I wasn’t expecting that at all. Obviously it’s the beginning so you loose more weight but this is still a lot! Everything is still going well and I don’t plan on quitting at all! Still a 2/10. Obviously it is hard and it takes determination and discipline but when you have it the challenge isn’t that big of a struggle or anything anymore, you just do it and it isn’t that hard. It becomes even easier after a couple of days.

Also, my aunt is doing it with me and I want to share that too because she started from nothing. She was eating super badly and she knew nothing about food, I had to teach her how to count everything and what to eat and the whole thing. She had 2 weeks to prepare mentally and to tell herself she was starting but that’s it, she started everything on day 1. She is now on day 5 and it’s going amazing, she keeps on going and has no intention to give up. That’s the proof that anyone can do it, whatever their situation! My grandma even changed her diet too to encourage her and she lost 7 pounds! It’s so fun to see everyone make a change!

It is now day 10 and yesterday was the hardest day up to now because it was valentine’s day and everyone was showing deserts and chocolate and their stories so obviously it was harder seeing all of this but I obviously resisted and today is another day! You really have to see this as a temporary situation that is gonna serve you in the long term. Weight loss and getting healthy again is a process and it takes sacrifices but in the end you will soooo not regret it. Food is always going to be there, it’s the only thing that doesn’t change and you’ll be way happier to eat things you love when you’ll be healthy than when you felt guilty and bad because you had 25 pounds to loose!

So it is day 12 and I am gonna share my final results. I am at 144,2 which means I’ve lost about 4.5-5 pounds in 12 days! I am under 145 which I can’t even believe! I am really happy about those results!

So yeah, overall it has gone amazing! I haven’t felt weak or anything, everything was perfectly fine and I am still super motivated! It hasn’t gotten harder since the beginning, still a 2/10. I even think it’s fun to have a purpose, a goal and to do something different that is pretty unusual!

Sorry this post was so long! I had a lot of things to say since it’s the first one! The other ones are going to be way shorter. I hope you liked it! Thank you for reading!

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