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67 days « no carbs » challenge reveal!

You guys know I have an online coach that helps me in my weight loss journey. I’ve spoke about him in all my weight loss journey posts! We follow each other on Instagram and a couple weeks ago I saw he was creating a challenge in 2018. I barely read it at first cause I really didn’t think it was for me. Then he mentioned it again and I became interested. I said in my last update post that I wasn’t loosing that much weight lately and that hasn’t really changed in the last 6 weeks even if I stuck to my diet and went to the gym. I kinda hit a plateau so it became harder to stay motivated and to keep on going as I did. I felt like I wasn’t getting results anymore and I really was getting tired of it / bored. I didn’t want to go to McDonald’s but I wasn’t motivated to count anymore. I was kinda lost.

I knew I wasn’t gonna quit but I really was thinking about what I could do next so when I saw the challenge again it just clicked! I knew it was perfect for me and that I was ready for this. I was more than ready to become super determined again and to challenge myself. He said it, it is extremely hard. It’s a mental challenge.  »Only the strong survivre » he said. Basically, you won’t eat carbs so your body will take his energy from fat and will become a « fat burner » so this is perfect if you want to loose fat, to loose weight or to look more defined. If you want to get all the infos and really decide if you’re interested to do it, just click this direct link to the complete e-book (it is suuuuper detailed and easy to understand).

You have until june 1st to complete so you still have time to think about it and prepare yourself. Anybody can participate. I am starting tomorrow, February 6. There are also prices for the winners! (The best transformations) My coach really put a lot of efforts into it, he’s super passionate, he has great intentions and it shows! He did all that himself for all the people welling to do it and it’s free so you really have nothing to loose.

I will not get crazy over this but I’ll give everything I have. I will push my limits as much as I can and I’m excited to try it! Yes it’s gonna be hard but it’s also gonna be worth it and it’s fun to set new goals and to be proud afterwards. I will share all my journey with you guys so stay tune if you’re interested. I hope you’ll do it as well! Let me know if you do! Thank you for reading!

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