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3 months weight loss journey update! (I stopped loosing weight?!, hitting my goal, how I stay motivated and more)

I am back today with another weight loss journey update! 3 months have gone by already, it went soooo fast! I remember saying I was giving myself 3 months to see results and now those months have passed! I have a lot to say about this last month. If it’s your first time reading, I will link below all my other weight loss posts!

This month has been pretty hard! The hardest one I would say. First, it was the end of the semester so I was suuuuper inactive and I wasn’t getting a lot of sleep at all so that complicated things! I was loosing weight for the first week but about two-three weeks ago, I weighed myself and I didn’t loose anything. I finally lost 0.6 pounds that week which really was a bummer since I hadn’t changed anything at all and I was loosing weight every week since I started. I started worrying and wondering about what could be wrong but I didn’t let go. I kept on going like usual and then after my  0.6 pounds I hadn’t lost anything the next sunday either. I was really disappointed cause it had been already 2 weeks and I had only lost 0.6 pounds. I am repeting but I guarantee you, I didn’t change anything, I even went back the gym. Then I weighed myself again on the 26th and I finally hit my first goal!!! I wanted to get under 150 and now I’m at 149.8 which means I lost 18.6 pounds in total! (My first goal was 18.4). My BMI is at 25.71 which is super close of the normal range!

So yeah, even if I didn’t loose that much I still lost something and I am still getting there. Even if it wasn’t going that well and  that It was harder to stay motivated, I did. I kept on going the same way as I did all along and I still am. Actually, a day that I was pretty discouraged, something pretty random happened and really reminded me why I started and why I was doing this. It’s not against the person whatsoever but this girl was saying that a piece of clothing didn’t fit anymore cause she gained weight and that she wasn’t comfortable in her clothes that day because of that and that she didn’t look good and blabla and that was so me when I started. I recognized myself so much. I was uncomfortable in my clothes, I thought nothing looked good and more so that really pushed me to not going back to be that girl again cause this really isn’t what I want. It might be long but I will get where I want to be cause I refuse to live like I used to. Hitting my goals regarding my health really is a priority for me right now and I won’t let go.

Also, update, I stuck to my diet throughout the holidays (Sticking to my diet still hasn’t getting hard btw) I haven’t eaten with my family or anything, not even the smallest cheat and honestly it really wasn’t that hard cause half of the time I didn’t even like what they were eating and I am so motivated that I am juste unbothered by any kind of food. Food will still be there in a couple of months. It was a challenge but it wasn’t even really hard in the end. I really don’t regret since I hit my first goal right after Christmas day. I talked about this in my Sharing things I’ve never shared before about my weight loss journey! (How I really started, embarrassment, people’s bad comments and more) but, once again, I had some bad comments and I almost had an argument! I wasn’t eating cause first I didn’t like the food at all and second I was sticking to my diet and I was eating a 100 calories pringle box and a girl told me « you’re gonna tell me you don’t eat bacon but you’re eating pringles? » I answered « Im gonna tell you I’m paying a trainer and that I know what I’m doing ». She didn’t say a word. First those two foods are obviously not comparable and second I didn’t ask for anybody’s opinion. This is my business and not anybody else’s so don’t even bother with people trying to make you feel ridiculous or whatever.

Also, speaking of motivation, I’ve watched a video of a girl speaking about her weight loss journey and she received the question  »how do you stay motivated » and she said that one day she just had enough, she hit her rock bottom and that was it, it was just time to make a change and that’s exactly what happened to me so you just have to be ready and motivation will come naturally. You can’t have it if you’re not minded enough about all this.

Since I am not loosing that much weight lately I’ve talked about it with my trainer and I am going to make some changes! I will share them really soon in a updated meal plan post! I am including them to my routine this week! I am also taking another month with him and after 3 months I can really say it made the difference and helped me so much! I really don’t know if I would be where I am right now without him. He encouraged me, he helped me change my mindset, helped me stay motivated, helped me calm down and stop worrying and made me go trough the difficulties positively. I recommend getting one! Mine is an online trainer and it’s perfect for me! Yes it is some money but you won’t regret investing in your well-being, at least I don’t.

So that is it! My meal plan post is coming soon and I’ll also share with you my next results since I am posting this before I weight myself again! Thank you for reading!

Other related posts

Sharing things I’ve never shared before about my weight loss journey! (How I really started, embarrassment, people’s bad comments and more)

2 months weight loss journey updates! (Results, how I feel, struggles, goals and more)

MY WHOLE MEAL PLAN! Everything I eat with pictures + What I eat in a day examples to loose weight!

Everything about the first month of my weight loss journey! (How I do it, my vision, results, trainer?!, motivation and more)