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Sharing things I’ve never shared before about my weight loss journey! (How I really started, embarrassment, people’s bad comments and more)

So this post is going to be about things that I’ve never really shared so far, some thought I haven’t shared yet and just some things that I thought could help you if you want to start your own weight loss journey! I will also link below my three other posts about that topic!

So, first thing first, I have never shared my beginning weight because I wasn’t proud of it and I was embarrassed. Being embarrassed is normal and part of the process. I didn’t even want to tell my weight to my trainer (but I did). When I first started, since my trainer is an online trainer and he had to do my workout program, I had to send him videos of me doing squats and stuff like that and I was super embarrassed cause I wasn’t comfortable in my body, we saw my love handles and stuff so I hated it but I did it anyway. I was even shy to go at the gym because I wasn’t in shape, I was super low profile. So yeah, that might seem exaggerated but it’s just the truth. I have a hard time accepting my weight when I don’t feel good about it. I even only took one pic since I started and I didn’t want to show it to anyone. So if you’re like me, it’s normal, you don’t have to be comfortable about everything at first.

Since I shared my results with you guys, my starting weight has become pretty obvious so I’m just gonna tell you. I was at 168.4 pounds (I’m heavy to begin with) and I am 5’4 so my BMI was at 28.8 which was pretty advanced in the overweight range. (It’s 25 to 29.9) Now my weight is 152 and my BMI is 26.1 so I’m super close to get in the normal range again! And I’m also only 2 pounds away from my first goal! Which was my Christmas/end of the year goal. I have now lost 16.4 pounds in total and I feel much better in my body! I am starting to be comfortable and confident in it again!

I also wanted to share with you how I started and how I felt in the beginning. This is actually a pretty funny story. I went to Ottawa in September and I was on Tinder and this guy superliked me. Fun fact, this was the first ever cute guy that superliked me (lol). So we matched and he talked to me. He wasn’t even in town that weekend, which makes us matching super weird. We were randomly talking and I asked him for his IG and he gave me his professional one. Like I said before, loosing weight had been on my mind for a couple months. So I saw what his was doing, the online coaching thing and everything, I read an article about what he did, his website and all of a sudden I just thought it could be a great idea to hire him and I just did it! It took a day to decide myself. I paid and he started my plan right away! So as you can see, there’s no perfect time to start, it can happen just like that.

Also, at first, I really was doubting myself cause I had try maybe three times already by myself to loose weight in the last year and a half but I always quit after a week or two so I really didn’t think I was going to be able to go on a full diet and workout since I ate so bad and stuff. I didn’t think I had the motivation inside of me anymore since I tried already and it didn’t work. But, when I started it just went super well and I got used to it and I got super motivated and I kept on going and now I am starting week 11 and I am as motivated as I have ever been so you just never know how it’s gonna go, you have to trust yourself. It started from a random Tinder conversation!

Also, another thing I wanted to touch on the holidays. We all know Christmas is coming and Christmas means food (a lot of food). You can call me crazy but as of right now (since I don’t plan in advance, I take it week by week) I have the intention to keep my diet all throughout the holidays which means I won’t eat what my family eats, no desert, no nothing. (Maybe once but not more) P.S : I work a lot and my family doesn’t live in the same city so there aren’t a lot of celebrations for me anyway so that makes it easier! Yes I know I could have a couple small plate but, first of all, it would affect my results and second of all, it would just be harder to keep on going after eating unhealthy food and it would have a bad influence on my hormones and stuff. Once you eat badly, you just want more. Also, Christmas time is the only month I have to really workout and focus on all of this since I have no school so it isn’t time to quit. There will be other Christmas and desert is still gonna be there when I’ll reach my goal so to me it is no big deal. It takes sacrifices to reach your goal and I am ready to do them to get where I want to be. But this is just my personal opinion!

Speaking of goal my first one was 150 pounds. My second is 140 and my last 130! I don’t know where I’ll get yet cause I am still far but I’ll give my best! I went back to the gym today after a month without going because I was just too busy and I took a pic and compared it to one I took in mid-october and I’ve really seen a difference! I was suuuuper happy! (Maybe I’ll share them soon) I also tried a romper that didn’t fit (at all) this summer and now it does! So yeah, those little things are super motivating and they keep me going!

And, last topic, I wanted to talk about people’s bad comments. People get bad comments most of the time when they’re considered fat or too skinny by society or people but you can also get judgement telling people you’re on a diet/you have to loose weight, get healthier, etc! A lot of people are just not supportive. One time I told someone and I got a  »a diet?!? you wanna loose weight?! You’re okay like that! Bones are for dogs! » or people will be like  »oh come on! eat it! who cares! » or they make you feel ridiculous (and more). You get what I’m saying! These are just some examples but yeah, people have different reactions or comments and sometimes it really gets annoying! But I do not care whatsoever because I am doing this for me and I am the only person to really know what I need and what’s best for me! So you do you!

So that is it, I’m sorry it’s a little long but I wanted to talk about those things! I will keep you in the beginning of January in my 3 months update! Thank you for reading!

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