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2 months weight loss journey updates! (Results, how I feel, struggles, goals and more)

You guys voted yes for another post about my weight loss journey so here it is!

I have 7 weeks completed now (this post is going to be about week 8 too down below). I said in my first post that I didn’t have any cravings and that it hasn’t gotten that hard yet and that is still true. I don’t have huge cravings or anything and I didn’t have a cheat, I’m still sticking to my diet a 100%. I still feel the same as in week 2. When I’m gonna start feeling tired of it or when I’m gonna have cravings and feel like I won’t be able to control myself as I am now, I’m gonna talk about it with my trainer and find a solution before I go crazy. Like I said, you have to be careful because otherwise it can get bad. It has happened to me a few years ago, I could have eaten 5000 calories in an hour (not even exaggerating) so that’s why I will listen to my body this time, it is really important. Do not push yourself too much if you don’t feel like it, you can’t win over your body and mind. So yeah, this is my advice! I just weighed myself after week 7 and I lost 12.4 pounds in total, which I am pretty happy about.

I have 3 goals (according to my weight in the beginning). My ultimate one , which I don’t know if I’m ever gonna get there, is 38 pounds. My second one is 28 pounds which I want to achieve for sure and my first one is 18 so I’m at only 6 pounds from it and that was my goal for Christmas in the first place so I should reach it.

It’s important to go step by step to not discourage yourself and to also be proud of what you’ve done already. As I said, I lost 12.4 pounds but I don’t think it shows that much yet besides in my stomach area and maybe my thighs. When I look at myself in the mirror then I see a little change but my clothes still fit pretty much the same.

I think that one reason why it’s still going so well is because I don’t only eat soup, salad, chicken and vegetables. I eat quite a lot of allowed treat like ice cream sandwiches, popcorn, chocolate chew tenders, chips and stuff like that who fits my diet. (I shared them all in my MY WHOLE MEAL PLAN! Everything I eat with pictures + What I eat in a day examples to loose weight! post). I really found a routine that works for me. Also, one thing I wanted to touch on is the fact that we all hear stuff like we feel better when we eat well, our mood is better, we feel more energized and more but for me it hasn’t been true. Obviously I feel less guilty and more balanced but physically, I feel the same as when I was eating fast-food everyday and my mood is the same too. Also, my skin hasn’t improved (since they say it’s related to what you eat). But maybe those things will come as time goes! Another thing is that I’ve been having stomach aches pretty frequently compared to before I start all of this (maybe one every 10 days) so that can be normal if you have those too! Maybe it’s caused by all the recent changes, I don’t know!

Update, I have 8 weeks completed now and the last week has been the one where I ate the most and I haven’t gone to the gym. I stuck to my diet and I still have no cravings and bla bla bla but instead of eating like 1400-1500 calories I ate around 1650 in average and I didn’t train so I lost 1 pound, which makes 13.4 pounds in total. Obviously every week isn’t the same. I had a big week, I slept less, sometimes worked 14 hours a day so I had to eat more and that is okay! I do the best I can do without going crazy over it. I keep going cause I know I’m gonna have way more time to focus on my goals once school is over, it’s a long process and one not so good week isn’t the end of the world. You have to be realistic.

Also, I had ordered clothes online this summer and they didn’t fit (at all) and I’ve tried them on a couple days ago and I saw a huge difference! One dress even fits well and I think I’m gonna wear it in the holidays! It really is motivating!

So that is is for this post! I am going to do a Instagram survey asking you guys if I should also do a part 2 of my meal plan post because I am always discovering new things to eat! Thank you for reading! I really hope this weight loss series is helping someone!

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