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MY WHOLE MEAL PLAN! Everything I eat with pictures + What I eat in a day examples to loose weight!

Here is part 2 of my Everything about the first month of my weight loss journey! (How I do it, my vision, results, trainer?!, motivation and more) post! This one is going to be all about what I eat! Im gonna share with you my whole diet and every type of food I eat! But first, I have to do (another) disclaimer! I am no professional I am just telling you what works for me. You  might think its weird or that it doesn’t look like a diet but it is what it is! You can take what you want from it.

Also, people that have never been on a diet or who doesn’t know a lot about it often make comments like « aren’t you on a diet?! » Or « that’s your cheat?! » When yes I am still on a diet and no I don’t cheat! So its not only about what you eat, its more about what’s in it. Obviously there are some things that just can’t fit in my day but there are still lots of choices.

Basically, its the same principle as counting macros. I count my calories and I check fat and sugar. You have to make everything work and find a balance between everything you eat each day. Example, even if a small bag of cheese only has 160 calories, there is like 80% fat so I can’t eat it as well as many other things that are way too sugary or fat even if the calories are pretty low. I also do not drink any alcohol. What I do is I check the nutritive value and I try to choose food that has like 5 to 25% fat for a portion and in a day I try to eat about 50-65% fat when I add everything I ate in the day. Same goes with sugar, I choose thing that have between 5 to 12g in average. I hope it’s clear!! I eat kinda 3 types of food : healthy food, normal food and bad food. It’s self explanatory but healthy and normal food are the ones I can eat the most and bad food is the one I can eat like once a day. I eat between 1300 to 1500 calories a day. (I am 5’4) Obviously the less calories you eat, the more results you’ll get (but do not eat under 1100-1200 calories). Counting is really important, I note everything on my phone. You’re also gonna get better results if you workout. I do but I really don’t have much time so I go only 2 times a week for now.

So here is a list for each categories. (I tried to include everything). I do all my grocery shopping at Walmart, I find the best stuff there and at a great price. Everything on the list is from there. There are all things that makes it super easy to count calories.

Good & Normal

– Coffee

Black coffee is great to breakfast since it has zero calories but still makes you full for a while. Since I don’t like it, I take a vanilla flavored one (not french vanilla) in the big coffee machine in convenience stores but I don’t put any cream, milk or sugar. I don’t have it every morning but every once in a while is totally okay.

-Fruits (Apples, strawberries, blueberries and peaches)

To know the calories for every fruit, look on google. Apple : 60 cal Peach : 60 cal 100g blueberries : 55 cal


I try to eat a salad at least 5 times a week. I take the fresh express ones from Walmart. They are amazing and pre-maid so they are super practical and they taste soooo good! My favorite is the south-west one! I also like the asian and Cesar light ones. You can also buy plain salad and your own (low fat/low calories) dressing. The great value ones are great.

– I don’t eat out in restaurants but there are two sandwich I eat at Tim hortons : Ham & cheese and chicken salad on regular white bread and also chicken noodle soup.

– Great value fish stick (Big 9$ bag)

– Great value Waffles & pancakes (Love the cinnamon ones)

– Jell-O Dulce De Leche Vanilla Caramel Pudding Snacks (50 calories one)

– Great value chicken nugget (5$ great value box)

– Great value chewy tendres (I take the chocolate chip marshmallow and graham ones)

– Quaker chewy super grains granola bars

– Star wars granola bars vanilla cake flavour

– Quaker high protein maple and brown sugar oatmeal

– Supplégo Protein Bar

– Becel light margarine (bleue one)

– Great value frozen meal : they are 1$ and honestly taste amazing! I love alfredo fettucini, spaghetti, lasagna and meat macaroni. I mostly eat frozen meal at my job’s lunch break.

– Our Finest frozen meal (My fav is the Pad Thai With Chicken With Rice Noodles)

– Smart ones frozen meal (My fav is the three cheese ziti marinara)

There are more brands, they are all next to each other, you just have to read the nutritive values.

– Almond milk with cereals (I take the special K ones but you can choose the one you love as long as they are not too sugary)

-Lait’s go sport protein milk (Vanilla one)

– Bagel (Pom ones) with low sugar fruit jam

– I eat frozen menu when I am at work. menu bleu great value michealinas smart ones

– Frozen vegetables that I cook with no butter (no nothing)

– Ham wrap with mustard

– Great value animal cookies (140 calories)

– Yoplait Source yogurt 0% 35 calories (The two dessert flavours and the fruit one)

– Dr. Oetker mini pizza ( I take pepperoni and cheese)


These are some stuff I can fit in my diet to kinda treat myself but who doesn’t affect my results badly if it’s reasonable. It’s even good to have some allowed treats.

– Great value cosmic pops popsicles or any Popsicle that has 40 to 60 calories with less than 10-12g of sugar (lots of choices)

– Chapmans ice cream sandwich neapolitan (My fav)

– Great Value Multi Pack Potato Chips 

– Fruit adventure tic-tac (or any flavour you like) 120 calories

– Sweetarts (150 calories)

– Pop systeme popcorn (sold in convenience store). These are super low fat and low sugar, it’s a great treat!






What I eat in a day examples

Cereals + Almond milk (150 calories) or Lait’s go protein milk with a yogurt (235 calories)

Granola bar (110 calories) or animal cookies (140 calories)

Frozen menu (250 calories ) + 2 Yogurts (70 calories) + 1 dulce de leche puding (50 calories) + 1 peach (60 calories)

A ice cream sandwich (160 calories)

Half a bag of southwest salad (135 calories) or a pizza (190 calories)

6 fish stick with ketchup (285 calories) or 5 chicken nuggets (240 calories)

It is always pretty repetitive. I eat different things mostly with my frozen meals or with different snacks.

So that is it! It was a long one! Obviously it isn’t always easy but it is doable if you really want it! I am starting with 3 months, if you want more details read part 1! I lost 9 pounds since october 2! I really hope it was helpful (and understandable)! Thank you for reading! I’ll keep you updated on my weight loss journey in a couple of weeks! If you start too I’d really love to know!!!

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