Non classé

Everything about the first month of my weight loss journey! (How I do it, my vision, results, trainer?!, motivation and more)

Today’s post is going to be a different one. I’ve never talked about that subject before on my blog. So little back story, I’ve always been a (really) bad eater. I never had any food disorder or anything but (especially) lately my relationship with food wasn’t healthy. I was eating badly and I wasn’t feeling good about it. I knew it was bad for me and that I’ve gained weight and needed to get back in shape. At one point, fast-food and all the food I use to like wasn’t even good anymore.  I would say it’s been around 2 years and a half since I haven’t really been in good shape and ate healthy. I’ve been slowly gaining weight since then.

I wasn’t comfortable with my body anymore, I didn’t want to keep on living as I did and gain weight, this is just not me. I didn’t want to settle for that lifestyle, to be lazy and keep gaining weight. It is just not who I want to be. I knew I had to change my lifestyle and loose weight but we all know it is hard to start and commit to it. Now that I have started I can say the hardest part is to start. After a week, you start developing a routine and sticking to it. In september, I came across a guy that offered an online program. You can live anywhere, he does your training program, meal plan, everything according to your goals and what you want. Hiring him has made all the difference for me. It is worth it in my opinion (and isn’t that expensive). You’re also gonna save a lot of money from not eating out as much. With a trainer you have someone to help you reach your goals, to support you, to tell you what’s best for you and it is harder to find excuses or to give up because he is there to push you, guide you and to plan your gym sessions and everything.  You can text or call him anytime. Plus, you pay money for it so it’s another reason to keep going. If you want to contact him or take infos, here is his Instagram. (Or you can DM me for his number).

Little disclaimer, I am not saying that this is the best and only way to do it, I am just sharing how I do it and how I see things personally. I also do not want to offend anyone reading this. I am not saying I am fat or anything, I don’t want to make my situation seem exaggerated or anything, I’m just sharing what I’m doing according to my personal desires.

Right from the beginning, I decided to do it a 100%. Full diet, workout, no cheat, etc. In no cheat I mean I am sticking to my diet a 100%. You will understand way better in the part 2 of that post where I am gonna share my whole  »diet ». It isn’t a strict vegetable diet or anything. But yeah, in my opinion I prefer to do it a 100% because this way it’s gonna work way better and faster. I’d rather put all my effort in it and achieve my goal in let’s say a few months than doing it in half and still not be done after a year ans still have the fact that I have to loose weight in mind. When I achieve my goal then it’s gonna be more fun to go to the gym and still work on my body because I want to and not because  »I have to ». Plus, the more you get results, the more motivated you’ll be so the faster you’ll get to your goal. If you don’t see any or really small ones, it’s gonna be even harder to keep going and not get discouraged. But, a really important thing is to do it in a reasonable way. Yes I’m on a diet that I couldn’t keep every day of my life and that’s necessary to loose weight but I’m not extreme either and I don’t go to the gym 6x a week. I only go 2 or 3 times for an hour. I want to do it to a realistic rhythm that I am going to be able to keep and not do it in a way that is gonna make me give up because I went too hard and I’m just exhausted. (I hope it’s clear)

To me there’s is no secret to loose weight : it takes patience, consistency and rigor. It isn’t gonna happen overnight and this is why I am allowing myself 3 months, which is the time of my first program with my trainer. Obviously I am not gonna be completely done in 3 months but I am giving myself 3 months to get results and not get discouraged before that. This is pretty much how I stay motivated.

My trainer works with an app. You have all your workout plan and everything in it with videos and more. You can also track every workout to compare your results. You have to weight yourself in the beginning and then every two weeks. It’s been 4 weeks like I said so I weighed myself twice. I lost a total of 7.8 pounds in 4 weeks. I am pretty happy with that result and I hope to do as good if not better next month. One thing to always remember is to listen to your body, dieting must be done the right way cause it can get pretty bad (mental health and more).

As of right now it is going super well, I don’t have cravings or anything yet, I haven’t had any fast-food, candies and stuff like that since I started. I haven’t had major difficulties yet. I am super motivated and yes it is hard to keep going everyday but it really isn’t that bad, if I can do it anyone can do it! It is really less hard than we think it is once we really start! I’ll keep you updated next month!

So that is pretty much it, stay tuned for part 2 where I am going to explain my whole diet and tell you everything I eat! I am gonna go in details! I hope this post was helpful (and that I didn’t forget anything) If you have any questions you can contact me on Instagram! 🙂 Thank you for reading!